The new Kabuki "Touken Ranbu" has a miraculous collaboration with
Touken Ranbu:The Musical and Touken Ranbu:The Stage!
The highly anticipated new Kabuki production of "Touken Ranbu" will be performed at the Shimbashi Enbujo Theatre in Tokyo from Sunday, July 2nd to Thursday, July 27th this year.
This production has received full cooperation from the musical "Touken Ranbu" and the stage production "Touken Ranbu".
We will be showing more of the unique charms of the new Kabuki "Touken Ranbu".
To ensure that fans who are new to Kabuki can enjoy the new production, we decided to appoint Kensuke Takahashi, who played the role of Hachisuka Kotetsu in Touken Ranbu:The Musical" and Eito Konishi, who played the role of Horikawa Kunihiro in Touken Ranbu:The Stage" as cheering squad leaders.
In addition, to show our support to the fans who have supported "Touken Ranbu" in both the musical and stage productions, we will be holding a fan club pre-sale, which will be the fastest way to purchase tickets before the general public.
We will be announcing more details about this fan club pre-sale and other future plans at a later date, so stay tuned for more information!