Pre-order sales have started for the "Variable Temperature Mug" original branded product for Touken Ranbu:The Musical “TSURUMARU KUNINAGA OOKURIKARA DUO PERFORMANCE ~Shunpu Touri no Sakazuki~” at @Loppi and HMV & BOOKS online!
Starting on October 18th (Tue.), the "Variable Temperature Mug" original branded product for Touken Ranbu:The Musical “TSURUMARU KUNINAGA OOKURIKARA DUO PERFORMANCE ~Shunpu Touri no Sakazuki~” will be available for additional sales, only at @Loppi and HMV&BOOKS online.
When hot water is poured into it, a design patterned after the live version costumes of the two Touken Danshi appears.
Please visit the HMV&BOOKS online pre-order page below or use a Loppi terminal inside of Lawson convenience stores to purchase.
■Preorder Page for HMV&BOOKS Online
■Preorder Sales Period
18/10/2022 (Tue.) 10:00 - 07/11/2022 (Mon.) 23:59
*Product delivery will begin from January 31st, 2023 (Tue.).
*Preorders on Loppi and HMV&Books Online must be paid for in advance.
Your payment must be processed prior to the shipment and delivery of goods. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
* The product delivery date is different from the featured "B2 Tapestry", "Set of 3 A4 Clear Files" and "Acrylic Ring Stand".
As such, please note that the shipping fee for the "Variable Temperature Mug" will be charged separately.
■Available Merchandise
Variable Temperature Mug (1 type)
Price including tax: ¥2,200
Loppi Product Number: AW13193045
※Images are for reference only.
※Product name, design, specifications, price, release date, etc. are all subject to change.
For inquiries about these products:
Touken Ranbu:The Musical “TSURUMARU KUNINAGA OOKURIKARA DUO PERFORMANCE ~Shunpu Touri no Sakazuki~” Lawson Product Inquiry Office
Telephone number: 03-6417-4519
Reception hours: 11:00 - 17:00 *Excluding Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays
Opening period: - 28-02-2023 (Tue.)
※ This office does not handle sales. We thank you for your understanding.