Important Update Regarding the Osaka Performances of Touken Ranbu:The Musical “Kosui sanka no yuki”
We sincerely thank you for supporting Touken Ranbu: The Musical.
Mr. Kohei Nagata, who plays Koryuu Kagemitsu, was experiencing pain in his left hip, and went to have it examined by a doctor on February 4th (Friday) after the Aichi performance.
The production committee met and carefully discussed the matter and, based on the results of the examination, it was determined that continuing performances as they are moving forward would continue to place a great burden on his body, or at least carry considerable risks.
Still, the results of the examination also indicated that he is currently able to move around freely without difficulties in daily life, and after consulting with the actors, creators, planners, Mr. Nagata's agency, and Mr. Nagata himself, we have decided to move forward with some changes in production ahead of the Osaka performance.
However, because it is a major production change, we have canceled the four performances from February 11th (Friday, a holiday) to the 13th (Sunday).
We are very sorry for the late notice, and we would like to extend our sincere apologies to everyone who was excited to attend.
Performances will resume with the production changes listed below beginning with the 12:00 p.m. performance on Tuesday, February 15th.
<Casting changes>
In the first musical section, Mr. Yuya Hyodo, an understudy and part of the ensemble cast, will fill in for the part of Koryuu Kagemitsu dressed in black, while Mr. Nagata will give the voice performance.
Mr. Hyodo’s role will be filled by Mr. Haruki Ito, as a new member of the ensemble cast.
For the second live singing section, Mr. Nagata will come on stage to sing, performing in a way that will not add stress to his injury. Koryuu Kagemitsu's role will be filled by Mr. Ryota Ono and Mr. Ryoji Sugiyama.
However, songs that are difficult for Mr. Nagata or his fill-ins to carry out will be performed without Koryuu Kagemitsu as 5-man numbers, with Mr. Nagata singing from offstage.
Due to the circumstances above, we are taking the following customer support measures for those who have tickets to Osaka performances.
[Canceled Performances]
All 4 performances from February 11th (Friday) to the 13th (Sunday)
Refunds will be provided for the canceled performances. We will announce further details about the refund process on the official website on Monday, February 28th.
While we apologize for the inconvenience, you will need to go through the refund process yourself, so
please check the details on the website thoroughly and complete the procedure within the refund period.
*Please note that refunds will not be possible under any circumstances after the refund period has ended.
*Please note that we will not be able to refund tickets that have been lost, discarded, or damaged (including tickets that are missing the stub), under any circumstances.
【Performances carried out with production changes】
・All 19 performances held from February 15th (Tuesday) to 27th (Sunday)
Please note that we will be unable to offer refunds on tickets for these performances with production changes. Thank you for your understanding.
We will decide how to carry out the Tokyo performances based on the state of Mr. Nagata's condition moving forward. We will announce these plans on our official website as they become available.
While it is a major production change, the entire team was strongly determined to move ahead with performances in order to deliver the show to audiences.
The cast and staff will come together to put our very best forward as we wait for Mr. Nagata to recover.
We sincerely appreciate your understanding.
February 7th, 2022
Touken Ranbu: The Musical Production Committee